Tuesday 12 November 2013

Proof loading on the viaduct Vlijmen-Oost affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction

The viaduct Vlijmen-Oost, affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction, was proof loaded on 6 November 2013.
This tested was performed in order to asses the structural response of the bridge and the its current capacity.
The viaduct was already monitored from several years in the contest of the A59 project. The development of ASR was assessed in 1997, however the bridge expansion appear to be still limited.

This project was conducted by Rijkswaterstraat in collaboration with 3 IS2C project (PAT-ASR, Smart Proof Loading and InfraWatch).

Article in the local news paper.
The BELFA truck used to perform the proof loading.
Part of the team (from left to right): Rita Esposito (TUDelft), Max Hendriks (TUDelft), Johan De Boon (TUDelft), Sonja Fennis (TUDelft) and Ane de Boer (Rijkwaterstrat).