Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Modelling efforts and control over realistic data

I have been recently busy with trying to improve damage model by implementing better ways to represent variety in material definitions. After finishing the analysis of NanoIndent results now we have the opportunity to assign this information (basically E-modulus and Strength values driven from hardness) for different phases in the system.

I recently introduced

  • Random distribution based on Nano Indent test results - using mean and variance of data
  • Triangular random generation of mesh with around 112000 elements to represent 10cm x 10cm sections
  • Probabilistic distribution of reaction (in this case expansion) based on petrographic identification of reactive phases in aggregates (different for each mix design)
  • and implementation of saturated cracks by updating the loading system while simulation is running (by introducing plastic behavior stage non elements stress strain curves)
Here are some representative images;

Histogram showing distribution of E values grouped by phases (Agg-Mortar-Bond-Void)

Heat map of E Mod values based on Digital image, Mesh geometry representing heterogeneity in aggregates and mortar

Initial Load elements with varied Intensities

Fracture evolution after 20000 simulation steps

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